Yapı Kredi Plaza, Levent İstanbul

General Assembly and Board Meetings of Associations can be Held Electronically

General Assembly and Board Meetings of Associations can be Held Electronically

With the regulation on the “Regulation Amending the Regulation of Associations” published in the Official Gazette dated 21/10/2021 and numbered 31635, Associations will now be able to hold their general assembly and board of directors’ meetings electronically.

During the pandemic period, the general assemblies of the associations, which had to be held physically, could not be held because they could not come together physically within the scope of the measures and this process created many problems in the functioning of the associations. However, holding such meetings electronically and conducting decision processes have now become a normal in the new working order, apart from the pandemic. We briefly listed the main issues of the new regulation for the Associations General Assembly and Board of Directors meetings that can be held electronically;

This right can be exercised using the systems approved by the General Directorate of Information Technologies under the Ministry of Interior.

It should be stated in the meeting announcement that it will be held electronically.

Members of the association who will attend the meetings are required to log in using a secure authentication system.

Decisions and additional documents to be taken in the electronically must be kept separately and duly.

In the use of these systems, it is necessary to act in accordance with the “Personal Data Protection Law”.

The electronic systems to be used must provide the design, backup and archiving in accordance with the legislation, which enables the formation of the council, voting, taking the floor, making proposals and all similar transactions in the same way as the general assembly meetings held in the physically.

Necessary cyber security measures should be taken against unauthorized access and attacks.

Sanctions applied in the event that the meetings held in the physically are contrary to the legislation

will also be valid for the meetings held in the electronically.