Application Time Extended for the Short – Time Working Allowance

As it is known, according to the provisional article 23 of the Unemployment Insurance Law numbered 4447, an application had to be made until 30/06/2020 in order to benefit from the short-time working allowance. In other words, the workplaces that did not apply for short-time working allowance until 30/06/2020 could not benefit from the short-time working allowance. In the same article, the President was given the authority to extend this period until 30/06/2021.
With the Presidential Decision published in the Official Gazette dated 01.12.2020, the short work application period has been extended due to compelling reasons within the scope of periodic situations arising from external effects due to COVID-19.
According to the decision; workplaces that have not applied for short-time working before will be able to apply for short-time working until 31/12/2020. If an application is made until the said date, the said workplaces will be able to benefit from short-time work allowance up to 3 months.
In addition, in workplaces whose short work application has been approved before, short-time working applications can be made for employees who have been employed after the previous application or after 30/06/2020.
Short-time working applications can only be made via “e-Devlet” and until 31 December 2020; any application by mail or e-mail will not be accepted.
In addition, payments made within the scope of short-time working allowance will not be deducted from the period of benefiting from unemployment allowance.