Communiqués on “De Minimis” and “Commitment” of the Competition Authority have been published in the Official Gazette and entered into force!

Communiqué on Commitments for Preliminary Inquiries and Investigations on Anticompetitive Agreements, Concerted Practices, Decisions and Abuse of Dominant Position was published in the Official Gazette and entered into force.
The purpose of the Communiqué is to regulate the procedures and principles regarding the following issues:
- Submitting a commitment by the relevant undertakings or associations of undertakings in order to eliminate the competition problems arising under Articles 4 and 6 of the Law during a preliminary inquiry or investigation process, except for hardcore and clear violations.
- Making the commitments binding on the relevant undertakings and associations of undertakings by the Board.
You can access the complete Communiqué numbered 2021/2 via the link below:
The Communiqué on Agreement, Concerted Practices and Association of Undertakings’ Decisions and Actions that Do Not Restrict Competition Significantly was published in the Official Gazette and entered into force.
The purpose of the Communiqué is to regulate the procedures and principles regarding the following issues:
- Except hardcore and clear violations, the criteria to be applied regarding the agreements, concerted practices and association of undertakings’ decisions and actions that do not significantly restrict competition in the market were determined.
- Agreements and decisions which do not significantly restrict competition may not be subjected to an investigation as per the Art.41 of the Law.
You can access the complete Communiqué numbered 2021/3 via the link below: